
Your Vision, Our Passion

WordPress Themes Required Plugins

This tutorial will show you how you can alert the users installing the theme that the plugin requires certain plugins to be installed. When developing a theme you often times rely on certain plugins to add additional functionality to your theme. In this case the following theme relied on 2 Plugins. Testimonials by WooThemes, and Features […]

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Search and Replace

Changing permalinks or any other string in a database can be a hassle especially if you don’t know MySql commands.  When working with WordPress you’ll soon run into this situation where you need to change a string across the entire database whether you’re changing permalinks when launching or migrating a site or just doing a […]

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Loop with Query Posts

I was running into a problem where I needed to overwrite the default number of posts that get display. I was working on a taxonomy archive page and it was showing at the most 10 posts. I knew the amount of post that it was showing was because in the WordPress Dashboard there is a […]

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