Development Project Profiles

We Make Websites!

QR Code Backend Tracking System

Coupon Redemption Tracking System

This is an automated process for coupon tracking and redemption. This system is built specifically for quick and efficient data entry. Every field has been validated and cross checked for fraudulent entries across the United States (example: only one coupon per household). There is also extensive account reporting on number of coupons per product, store, chain, county, etc.

There are on average 1,000 coupon entries an hour due to the allowance of concurrent connections. Clients who utilize this system include Target, Best Buy, and Walmart. This system has had continuous maintenance for over six years.

Case Management System for Attorneys, Law Enforcement, and Private Investigators

This system is used by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and other government agencies, as well as PI & Law firms. The main function is the live dashboard interface, with real time updates of case statuses and reporting, tracking of notes and activities, ability to upload documents, photos and audio files. Notifications can be customized for each case, and the system allows for the sharing of cases with non-members in a secure manner.

Applicant Tracking and Management System

This extensive talent management method is built from scratch given the client’s goal is to have a user-friendly applicant management system. This system gives the client the ability to add and delete job listings, as well as post job listings to an API all in a centralized application process. All job listings are accompanied by online applications that include e-signatures, customizable questions. The ability to trigger background tests, I-9, and e-verify are also built in. Clients who utilize this tool can easily manage candidates and applicants on a simple, interactive dashboard, while applicant’s can utilize their applicant portal to see the status of their application and complete custom forms that may be required.

This project has been developing for over four years, and we are constantly providing new features, fixing bugs, and continuously adding to the API as needed. Over 50,000 applicants a month utilize this site and are submitting applications.

Membership Management System

This system allows for the ability to track membership status and payments. It also includes an internal communications feature for members. Registered members have the opportunity to sign up for training events through this system, and members are also able to track any certificates they have received and/or trainings they have completed. There is also a notification system that is customizable per member.