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Why Modernize Your Classic ASP Applications?

Classic ASP, or Active Server Pages, was a groundbreaking technology introduced by Microsoft in 1996. While it played a crucial role in the evolution of web development, Microsoft ended its support on December 31, 2021, leaving businesses relying on it to face challenges like: Modernizing to .NET enhances your application’s performance, scalability, and security. Transitioning […]

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WordPress Automatic Updates

We currently manage around 70+ WordPress websites. Keeping plugins up to date on a WordPress site quickly became a daily routine. This task quickly had to be tasked to one of our team members on a daily basis. Dashboards like these became a common thing. Enabling Automatic Updates By default, every site has automatic updates […]

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Create Your First Google RECAPTCHA Keys

Why Do I Need a reCAPTCHA? According to Google: reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. A “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out. Google Basically adding a reCAPTCHA will help reduce […]

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What is a hard refresh and how to do it

What is a Hard Refresh? a Hard Refresh is a way of clearing out the browser’s (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) cache for a specific page. Clearing the cache will force your browser to load the most recent version of the files used for a specific page, this usually include stylesheets or other important scripts. Clearing of […]

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