GitHub Actions Build with Runner and Deploy using self-hosted

Use GitHub Actions to build and deploy with a private runner to deploy to IIS

Project: ASPX Website on GitHub.

Goal: Complete CI / CD using GitHub Actions to build and using self-hosted running to deploy to on-prem IIS server.

Final Workflow file YML

name: Build and Publish

      - main

    name: Build
    runs-on: windows-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3

        - name: Setup MSBuild path
          uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1

        - name: Setup NuGet
          uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v1.0.5

        - name: Create Build Directory
          run: mkdir ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

        # - name: Show build files (before)
        #   run: ls ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

        - name: Restore NuGet packages
          run: nuget restore -verbosity quiet

        - name: Build app for release
          run: msbuild Website\Website.csproj -verbosity:minimal -t:rebuild -property:Configuration=Release /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish /p:PublishUrl="../_build"

        # - name: Show build files (after)
        #   run: ls ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

        - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
            name: my-artifact
            path: ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

    needs: Build
    name: Copy WebPublish files to remote server
    runs-on: self-hosted

      - name: Run PowerShell Remove-Item 
        run: Remove-Item ${{github.workspace}}\_build\ -Force -Recurse

      - uses: actions/download-artifact@master
          name: my-artifact
          path: ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

      # - name: Show build files (before)
      #   run: ls ${{github.workspace}}\_build\

      # - name: Run PowerShell Hello World script
      #   run: Write-Output 'Hello World!'

      - name: Run PowerShell Copy-Item
        run: |
            Copy-Item -Path ${{github.workspace}}\_build\* c:/websites/dev.${{}} -Recurse -Force

Android Email Setup

Photos and steps are done in Android version KitKat 4.4.2.

1. In “APPS” select “SETTINGS.”



2. In “SETTINGS” go to “EMAIL” located under the applications tab.


3. If this is your first email set up click “OK“when it asks to configure now. If this is not your first account go to “MANAGE ACCOUNTS” followed by selecting the “+” to add a new email account.

4. Add the “EMAIL ADDRESS“and “PASSWORD” fields then click next.

5. Select “POP3 ACCOUNT” when prompted for what type of account.


6. Make sure “EMAIL ADDRESS” and “USERNAME” are both set to the same email address. The username field does not default this so must be changed. On the same screen change the “POP3 SERVER” to “MAIL.YOURURL.COM” and insert the respective URL.


7. Make sure “SMTP SERVER” is set to “MAIL.YOURURL.COM” and insert your respective URL.


8. Account options can remain unchanged unless otherwise preferred.

9. Account name and display name can be set or left to their default values. Click “DONE” and the email will be created and synced.

Outlook Email Setup

These instructions will walk you through email setup on an Outlook 2010.

Earlier versions of outlook are very similar.


Step 1: Open Outlook 2010 > To setup a new email account just click on File > Info > Add Account


Step 2:  Select Manually configure server settings or additional server types option > Click Next

outlook 2010 x3

Step 3: Select Internet Email > Click Next


Step 4: Enter Email Settings

User Information
Name: Your Name
Email Address: Your Full Email Address

Server Information
Account Type: 
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

Logon Information
User Name: 
Your Full Email Address
Password: Enter the password for this Email address


Step 5: Click More Settings > Outgoing Server > Check My Outgoing Server (SMTP) requires authentication > Use same settings as my incoming mail server


Step 6: Click Advanced Tab

Incoming Server (POP3): 110
Outgoing Server (SMTP): 25 (If your ISP blocks this port change to 8080)

Leave a copy of messages on the server should be unchecked.

Leaving copies of messages in the server will fill up and exceed the limit for the account, resulting in errors and preventing you from sending and receiving emails.

Only check this option if this email account needs to be setup on a second device (phone, another pc) if so follow Step 7 below otherwise Skip Step 7.


Step 7: If email account needs to be setup on multiple devices.

Leave a copy of messages on the server should be checked.
Remove from server after should be checked as well and set to 1 days


Step 8: Click OK > Next > Finish

At this point you your email account should be all set.

iPhone Email Setup

These instructions will walk you through email setup on an Apple iPhone.

Step 1: Go to “Settings” from the home screen of your iPhone.


Step 2: Go to “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.


Step 3: Under accounts, select “Add Account”.


Step 4: Select “Other“.


Step 5: Select “Add Mail Account”.


Step 6:


In the New Account menu, you will need to specify the following fields:

Name: your name, it will appear as a sender name.
Address: your full email address.
Password: password for this email address
Description: you can specify any description.

Select “Next”

Step 7:


After Selecting “Next” you will need to enter in our mail server information.

Select POP

Incoming Mail Server
Host Name: Example “”
User name: your full email address.
Password: If the password field is not filled in, re-enter it the password for this email address

Outgoing Mail Server
Host Name: Example “”
User name: your full email address.
Password: enter the password for this email address

Select “Save”

Step 8:

It will Attempt to Verify. You will get a Message “Cannot Verify Server Identity” Click “Continue” (This may take a couple minutes).

When the verifying is finished you will be redirected to Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen. Please Select the account you just created. Scroll down the screen and select “Advanced“.


Incoming Settings
SSL: Set to off
Authentication: Password
Server Port: 110

Once the above settings are changed go back to the previous screen.

Step 9:

Select “SMTP”


Select “”
Server: Set to On
SSL: Set to Off
Authentication: Password
Server Port: 25 (if your network provider blocks this port change Server Port: 8080)

Select “Done”

Step 10:

At this point you your email account should be all set. Make sure the settings are saved and then Select the mail icon from the home screen of your iPhone to begin retrieving your email.