WordPress Themes Required Plugins

This tutorial will show you how you can alert the users installing the theme that the plugin requires certain plugins to be installed.

When developing a theme you often times rely on certain plugins to add additional functionality to your theme. In this case the following theme relied on 2 Plugins. Testimonials by WooThemes, and Features by WooThemes

The following code was taken from http://www.paulund.co.uk/theme-users-required-plugins. We use it on our themes and I will explain what it does.

  1. First we’re going to hook into the admin_notices hook in wordrpess and run a function called showAdminMessages.
  2. We create our function showAdminMessages and create an empty array $plugin_messages.
  3. Since we’re going to be using the function is_plugin_active we have to require the following file
    include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
  4. We then use an if statement to check if the plugin is not active !is_plugin_active to check the plugins main file.
  5. If the plugin is not active we add a message to our $plugin_messages array notifying the user that the plugin is required and a link to downlod.
  6. We then use another if statement to count our $plugin_messages array > 0 and use foreach to loop through each message and echo out a <div id="message" class="error">
  7. You can see the full code in action below.

The Dhali Team illustration

This week I was able to work on a few fun projects regarding our team here at Dhali. Part of this was creating avatar images for us in the office. I wanted to create an accurate representation of everyone in the most minimalistic style possible. When I finished I threw them all together.

This evolved into a “team portrait”.





My process for these is to take a photo of the team member and throw it into illustrator. Then I select the layer and set it to template mode, which makes it easier for me to distingish the layers. From here, I try and trace out all of the major features using the pen tool. liia-rough

From here, I get rid of the back ground image and make a few decisions on style and color.


The last thing I do is tighten up the design and add a background. The final avatar can be seen below.


Case Jacket – Website Redesign

Case Jacket is a fast and straightforward case management system that is used by over 3000 people. Currently, the software is being redesigned to a more modern look and feel, so I decided that creating a landing page that reflects the new look.


I started my design with a few very rough whiteboard outlines, refining and editing until I land on something that will work. This stage of the process is focused on functionality over design.




Once I lay out the major elements of the site on a whiteboard, I move to a notebook to further refine the idea. Again, this stage of the design is less about look and feel, and focuses instead on functionality.



The next step is bringing my ideas into Photoshop. This is where most of the design elements like color, logo and typography are added.


Google Analytics – How to get started

Hello everyone,

Google Analytics is a service that we provide to our clients so that we may track their website traffic. It is a powerful free tool, so I created a quick walk through.

First, log in to your Google account (you can create one for free if you don’t have one). Then head over to the Google Analytics Site. 


Then, click the sign in button, and then Google Analytics.

From here, follow the prompts until you reach the New Account page. Fill in the Account Name, Website Name, and Website URL with your domain name.


Accept the terms and agreements, and you will land on the page providing you the script to track your site.



The only thing left to do is copy the code, and paste it in your header (or give it to your developer)



Design Matters – Redesign Concept

While i’m at the office I often have a design podcast running in the background. One of the podcast sites I visit most is Design Matters with Debbie Millman, so I decided to make a redesign concept in my spare time.




The current website has some awesome elements that I felt can be emphasized with more white space, and a side bar for navigating the different episodes. I also decided to make a large banner as a “featured podcast” section, highlighting the most recent guest. Instead of going to a different page, the podcast would play on the landing page, allowing you to scroll around while you listen. I also changed the font, weight and color scheme to highlight important areas.

You can see a before and after screen shot below. You can listen to the Design Matters podcast here.





Using Google Fonts for web.

Google fonts are a great free resource for web designers. Using them however, wasn’t straight forward for me at first. I’ve created a quick step by step guide for new web designers to use as reference.



How to run a google font on a site.

First, go to https://www.google.com/fonts and select the fonts you wish to use by using the add to collection button.

In the bottom right corner, select use. This will take you to a page asking you to select the font weights you wish to use. Scroll down until you see the lines of code provided.




Next, open your theme folder from the repository using sublime. You will need to open the functions file and the style.css file.

In the functions file, scroll down to the Enqueue scripts and styles section.

Copy the “add this code to your website” line and paste it into the file with a new wp_enqueue line. It should look like line 163 below.




Next, open the style.css file and scroll to the typography section. Paste in the “integrate the fonts into your CSS” line as shown below on line 275.




Save your files and your font should be loaded.



If you want to use different fonts for headings and body content, make the following adjustments.


First, select the two fonts you want to use from https://www.google.com/fonts and select the fonts you wish to use by using the add to collection button, click use, and go to the almost done page.

When you copy the code, copy the line now containing two fonts.


Next, add the body font-family as previously instructed.

For the headings, open the css folder (not the css file used before.) From here, open the styles.css folder.

(For the body font, open the styles.css file highlighted in the picture below. For the header font, open the css folder at the top, then open the styles.css file contained.)


Once you open the other styles.css file, scroll down to the styles section. Paste in the font-family as shown below.



Save and your fonts should now be loaded.

WordPress Automatic Updates

We currently manage around 50+ wordpress sites. Keeping plugins up to date on a wordpress site quickly became a daily routine. This task quickly had to be tasked to one of our team members on a daily basis.

Dashboards like these became a common thing.

Enabling Automatic Updates

By default, every site has automatic updates enabled for minor core releases and translation files. This does not include plugin updates or major releases of core.

You can enable Automatic updates to Core by placing the following in your wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true );

The same can be done to plugins/themes however these are done via filter.

Note: Do not add add_filter() calls in wp-config.php – causes conflicts with WP-CLI and possibly other problems. Add to theme functions.php

Automatic updates for All plugins:

add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true' );

Automatic updates for All themes:

add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true' );

Why Should be Updates be made regularly?

  1. Better Security.
  2. Making sure your plugin is up to date with the developer for any known bug fixes or any new features.


  1. A Guide to Updating WordPress, Plugins and Themes
  2. Configuring Automatic Background Updates
  3. How Do I Configure Automatic Updates in WordPress 3.7?

Raetz Law – Logo Design

We are currently working on a website redesign for RaetzLaw.com. As a part of this project, I am creating a logo to compliment the new site and colors. After some initial research and sketching, I created a few renditions using Illustrator. The early renditions can be seen below.


From this point, I decided to focus on the logo designs I felt were the strongest. After adding some taglines and tightening things up a bit, this version was sent to the client for review.

Raetz Law Branding

Since then I have received feedback from the client. They have suggested getting rid of the scales in favor of the attorneys initials. The revisions can be seen below.

Raetz Law Branding (revised)

Dashboard Concept

This week I focused on creating a simple and clean dashboard that can be applied to school or office setting. The goal of the dashboard is making the navigation feel new without taking away from the usability, and keeping the notifications in focus. To accomplish this, I created a navigation that rest on the left with a notification alert under the users photo.

You can see an example of the welcome page and a sub page below.


comp-one comp-two

User flow – Mock up

After a meeting with a potential client, I began building a low fidelity user flow for our proposal. Creating a rough user flow allows us and the client to see the amount of work a site will take to build out, which gives us an approximate timeline and price point.

I usually start with a whiteboard and notes from the client meeting about the needs for the site. In this case, the client needs a single sign in page that will lead to three different dashboards. Each dashboard will have its own functionality. With this in mind, I begin to create a rough outline.


During this process I will check my notes and goals to make sure that the site is as streamlined as possible. The goal is to make sure the site is completely functional without any more or less than necessary. From here, I go to Photoshop and clean the user flow up for the client proposal.



Initial Sketches

When creating a website, I typically start with a series of rough sketches that will lay out the structure of the site. From there, I revise a few elements based on discussions with the client.




After a general outline is established with the sketching process, I proceed to create a digital wireframe. Like the sketches, the wire frame must incorporate very little “design” elements, such as color, images, and typography. The purpose of the wireframe is to finalize the structure of a site and establish a visual hierarchy.



Desktop and Mobile Final Compositions

The final step of the design process is creating a full color comp. Here, we will incorporate the traditional design elements, including typography, colors, photography, icons and logos. A comp will typically be sent to a client for approval upon completion, and then will be handed to our developer to create a full, functioning site.
